My name is Saurya…from UP. I often come to Delhi for my work purpose. I have tried this Tantra service in USA last year and I had a great experience about it. I wanted to try it out again, but going back to America for Tantra massage…would be a foolish idea. After surfing on the internet I saw few sites are available in the name of Tantra Massage. I was little confused and conscious about spending my hard earned money…as they don’t have their own setup and what if they don’t provide any good or no service after taking the advance booking amount. And someone like me doesn’t prefer to take any risks in life. So I have decided not to take any chance. But I was really restless to try it again. And I must say I took the right decision of choosing them. They are extremely trained and perfect in their movements. I am glad I don’t have been worried about visiting USA again specially for Tantra Massage …hahaha… It was absolutely worth it for me.